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Which Accommodations Are Available for My Child With ADHD?

Finding the right accommodations for our children at school and home.

Key points

  • Children and teens with ADHD may need support plans in school.
  • There are accommodations available to our children with ADHD in school.
  • We can also create "accommodations" for our children in the home environment.
Source: Julia M Cameron/Pexels
Source: Julia M Cameron/Pexels

Our children, teens, and young adults with ADHD often struggle to get through daily routines at home and in school even though these routines have been in place since the beginning of the school year. As parents, setting up the expectation, in our heads, that our kids are going to be able to get things done at school without accommodation can mean we are setting them (and us) up for failure and frustration.

Some may argue that we are not preparing our children for "the real world" when we accommodate our kids. However, I respectfully disagree. Our children with ADHD often need a little more time and space to gain the skills they will need for the next phase of their development. For example, we can teach our children in elementary school the skills they need as they prepare for middle school and so on. These skills we call executive functioning skills are prioritizing tasks and assignments, managing time, organizing materials and belongings, and the ability to self-regulate. All of these skills ultimately help our children, teens, and young adults with ADHD to get school and life tasks done and develop a sense of self-efficacy or a solid sense of self.

For college students, a 504 Accommodation Plan may be needed and can be gained through the office of disability services for the specific university or college. A diagnosis is required as well as documentation from a professional indicating the need for a 504 Accommodation Plan and specific accommodations needed based on a diagnosis (ADHD, anxiety, etc.) or a psycho-educational evaluation indicating a specific learning disability in addition to ADHD and the types of accommodations needed based on what the data is supporting.

Differences between a 504 Plan and an Individualized Education Plan

If your child or teen has a diagnosis of ADHD, your child may be eligible for a 504 Plan or an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) through their school. A 504 Plan gives your child accommodations within the classroom for homework, test-taking, organization, standardized tests, projects, and papers. It may require a diagnosis by a professional (neurologist, psychiatrist, pediatrician, developmental pediatrician, or psychologist).

An IEP provides a special education program that requires testing (educational and psychological) and eligibility can be based on a diagnosis provided by a professional (neurologist, psychiatrist, pediatrician, developmental pediatrician, or psychologist). Your child or teen’s ADHD diagnosis must be impacting your child’s ability to access the general education curriculum. Services available include pull-out resources or in-class resources for certain subjects, as well as related services (such as speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and counseling). An individual or shared paraprofessional can also be a part of the IEP.

Accommodations for your child’s 504 Plan or IEP

Organizational strategies for school:

Elementary school students

  • Weekly desk clean-out.
  • Weekly backpack clean-out.
  • Teacher review of the accuracy of assignments written in daily planner.

Middle and high school

  • Weekly check-in with a guidance counselor to review grades and (missing) assignments.
  • Weekly check-ins between teacher and student to lesson, re-teach, or repeat content to ensure that the child has an understanding of the topic being taught.

Writing strategies:

  • Use a visual graphic organizer (e.g., the hamburger, ice cream, spider, etc.).
  • Break down writing assignments into smaller parts with short-term deadlines.
  • Review written work before submission to review the accuracy of the prepared paper and allow for feedback and edits.

Taking notes in class:

  • Teacher-generated lesson outlines for students to follow and fill in information.
  • Gaining notes from a peer note-taker.


  • Extended time on tests, quizzes, and class-based projects.
  • Allow for tests/quizzes to be taken in a low-distraction classroom.
  • Study guides are provided a minimum of two days prior to an assessment.

Sensory strategies:

  • Allow for movement breaks throughout the day.
  • Consult with occupational therapy and class teacher each month.
  • Allow for fidgets or other types of sensory tools to improve attention and decrease restlessness.
  • Allow the student to chew gum or hard pretzels during breaks.

You can also use these strategies at home:

  • Break down a multi-step task into one or two steps at a time (school-based or activities of daily living).
  • Color-code notebooks and folders for each subject so that your child isn’t processing the word “S-C-I-E-N-C-E” but rather the color green, for example.
  • Set a timer for a homework assignment and work against the timer. This will take a task that can feel endless and give it a time limit and an end.
  • Post reminders or information to be remembered (e.g., pack lunch) on a Post-it note or set an alarm on a phone, tablet, or Alexa type of device.
  • Take pictures of your child doing the activity, step by step, and use that to guide the morning or bedtime routine.
  • Place your child’s desk in a corner between two walls, away from windows and doors. Keep the surface empty. Place all materials in bins in the drawers.

Repetition and consistency within the home and school environment can help our children, teens, and young adults with ADHD to build the skills that they need as they enter into the next developmental phase.

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