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Practicing the 5 C's of ADHD Parenting

Five principles to practice when parenting your child with ADHD.

Key points

  • Teach your child simple techniques to manage their impulses and emotions.
  • Breathing exercises, short breaks, or counting to 10 can help them regain focus and self-regulate.
  • Consistency fosters a stable environment for your child to thrive.

Parenting a child with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be rewarding and challenging. Dr. Sharon Saline, a renowned psychologist specializing in ADHD, has developed a comprehensive approach known as the "five C's of ADHD parenting." This framework focuses on building essential skills for parents and children to navigate the complexities of ADHD together. In this post, we'll explore the five C's—self-control, compassion, collaboration, consistency, and celebration—and discover how they can foster a nurturing environment for your child's success.

Source: Alexis Scholtz/peopleimages
Source: Alexis Scholtz/peopleimages

1. Self-Control

The first C on Saline's list is self-control, and it's not just for children; it's crucial for parents, too. Parenting a child with ADHD can be emotionally challenging, and remaining composed during challenging moments is essential. You demonstrate self-control models and healthy coping mechanisms for your child to emulate.

Teach your child simple techniques to manage their impulses and emotions. Breathing exercises, short breaks, or counting to 10 can help them regain focus and self-regulate. You foster a calm and supportive environment by practicing self-control and guiding your child.

2. Compassion

Compassion is a cornerstone of successful ADHD parenting. Understanding that ADHD is not a choice but a neurodevelopmental condition is essential. Approach your child's difficulties with empathy and patience, focusing on their strengths and potential.

Listen actively to your child's concerns and challenges without judgment. Make them feel safe expressing their feelings and frustrations. You create a strong bond with your child by offering compassion and understanding, fostering a sense of security and trust.

3. Collaboration

Collaboration is key to unlocking your child's full potential. Saline encourages parents to work hand in hand with educators, therapists, and other professionals involved in their child's care. Collaborating allows for a unified approach to address your child's needs across different environments consistently.

Regularly communicate with your child's teachers and share insights about their strengths and struggles. Collaborate to implement effective strategies both at home and school. A collaborative network ensures everyone is on the same page, providing your child with comprehensive support.

4. Consistency

Consistency is fundamental in ADHD parenting. Children with ADHD thrive in structured environments with clear expectations. Establish predictable routines for daily activities, such as mealtimes, homework, and bedtime. Use visual aids like calendars and charts to help your child understand and follow schedules.

Consistency also extends to discipline. Set boundaries and rules and apply consequences consistently. By maintaining predictability, your child can feel secure and develop self-discipline.

5. Celebration

Celebrate every milestone, no matter how small, to motivate your child and boost their self-esteem. Saline highlights the importance of acknowledging your child's efforts and achievements. Praise them for their perseverance and hard work, even if they don't always meet their goals.

Foster a positive environment by celebrating your child's unique qualities and accomplishments. Encourage a growth mindset, where effort and progress are celebrated over perfection.

Saline's five C's of ADHD parenting—self-control, compassion, collaboration, consistency, and celebration—provide a comprehensive guide for nurturing success in your child's life. You build a strong foundation of trust and support by modeling self-control and showing compassion. Collaboration ensures your child receives consistent care and strategies at home and school. Consistency fosters a stable environment for your child to thrive, while celebrating their efforts motivates them to continue their journey.

Embrace these C's with love and understanding and you'll empower your child to conquer the challenges of ADHD and reach their full potential. Remember, every step forward is a step towards success, and together, you and your child can overcome any obstacle that comes your way.



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