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Drunk Dialing, Texts and Voicemails

A Personal Perspective: Hide your phone now before it’s too late.

The holidays are here, and some of us will be partying and might find ourselves drunk at the end of the night. Instead of going to bed, we pull out our phones.

I’ve woken up after a night of hard drinking, and I have dreaded going through my phone to see who I texted, what I texted, who I called, how long the call was, and whether had I left a voicemail or actually spoke to someone.

Here is a personal tip.

Checking a sent email or sent text is one thing, but when I look at my phone and see that I called someone and it’s red I know it’s a missed call. Thank God, so-and-so didn’t pick up, however, they know that I called them.

Regardless, that’s better than the alternative. What really shows I need to hide my phone is when it’s not a missed call, and I look to see how long I was on the phone. That’s when I start to panic.

For anything below three minutes, I should be in the clear and assume I only left a message. What that message entails, I don’t know, another scary moment. But if I see a call that lasted more than five minutes, then I know I have a problem.

What did I talk about for five minutes? It only gets worse from there. Oh, I had an 11-minute-and-39-second conversation with so-and-so, great. I wonder what that was about.

Most people have experienced a drunk dial at some point in their life, but I have taken it to a whole other level during the holidays. Drunk dialing with a long list of texts like:

“What’s up?”

“You there?”

“Sorry to text so late?”

“I guess you’re busy?”

“Hit me up tomorrow.”

“Or call me when you get this.”

“Have a pleasant night.”

“Hope you’re okay.”

Okay, I didn’t send all of those texts in one sitting, but usually, I am so in denial about my behavior and flat out don’t want to know that I simply delete, delete, delete, delete – it didn’t happen.

Sadly, deleted texts are conveniently saved on your phone, so maybe later when I’m ready and can handle it, or maybe won’t care as much because I’ve decided it can’t be that bad, I’ll deal.

These holidays are different, but our tendencies to play the "dial your ex" game remain the same.

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