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10 Statistics You Need to Know About Creativity at Work

Creativity is the thinking that fuels innovation.

Source: Pexels

Creativity is the thinking that fuels innovation. Over the last decade, talk about the importance of creativity-related skills in business has skyrocketed. Whether you need a statistic about creativity to present to the hiring managers on your team or you just need a reminder of how important creativity is within your company or school, this post is for you. Below, we’ve collected some of the key statements and stats related to creativity at work so that you can cite them early and often.

10 Statistics You Need to Know About Creativity at Work

1. “Creativity is the single most important skill in the world.” (LinkedIn Learning, January 2019)

2. 94 percent of hiring managers say it is important to consider creativity when hiring a job candidate. (Adobe, Hiring for the Future (2014))

3. In a search for “creativity in business,” Google returned 345,000,000 results.

4. 35 percent of workers are only given time to be creative at work a few times per year. (Gallup 2017 American Workplace Survey)

5. Creative problem-solving sessions with groups that have even a minimal amount of training in creativity tools and principles generated 350 percent as many ideas than groups without training—and these ideas were 415 percent more original. (Puccio, et al)

6. CEOs say creativity is the No. 1 factor for future success. (IBM)

7. Recruiters rank creative problem solving as the second-most difficult skill to find among job applicants. (Bloomberg Businessweek)

8. 78 percent of college-educated workers older than 25 wish they had more creative ability. (Adobe, Hiring for the Future (2014))

9. Countries with high PISA scores have lower confidence in entrepreneurial capabilities. (Yong Zhao)

10. Creativity is or is related to nine of the top 10 skills that global executives say is essential for 2020 and beyond. (World Economic Forum)

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