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The Many Benefits of Studying Psychology

How and why an understanding of psychology can be essential for anyone.

Key points

  • Understanding the scientific method helps to make more informed decisions.
  • Studying psychology helps better understand relationships in the home and at work.
  • Contrary to popular belief, psychology can be a very employable college degree.

Even though psychology is one of the most popular undergraduate majors, many people question the benefits of a psychology degree. This is partially due to the fact that a career in the field of psychology typically requires a graduate degree. Yet, I am going to argue that there are many benefits to studying psychology that are beyond simply finding a rewarding career. Here are several:

A Good Understanding of the Scientific Method

Psychology provides a good grounding in the scientific method. Being a social science, psychology teaches us that rather than operating on our hunches or our own biased experiences, it is important to look for objective evidence to gain a better understanding. Psychology students learn that science strives to make informed decisions but also acknowledges that science is not “black and white” thinking. The scientific method relies on the ”best possible evidence,” meaning that as new evidence is gathered, conclusions may change.

We saw this at play during the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccine skepticism. Rather than relying on the best possible evidence of the vaccine’s effectiveness in preventing serious illness and death, skeptics relied more on biased information from uninformed sources or from their own observed (non-scientific) experiences.

Critical Thinking

A great deal of psychological content, and the methods taught and used by psychologists, focus on how to think critically. Critical thinking is considered to be essential to being an educated person. These critical thinking skills can benefit a variety of careers in business, law, and other professions.

Understanding of Relationships and Psychological Well-Being

Although studying psychology doesn’t necessarily make you psychologically healthier any more than studying medicine makes you physically healthy, psychology majors do have this knowledge at their fingertips and should be more aware of the fact that good interpersonal and family relationships require attention and hard work. Psychology also tells us that when we are having difficulties in relationships or in coping with life, it is important to seek out professional help and counseling.

A Better Understanding of Workplace Dynamics

Studying psychology, particularly the area of industrial/organizational psychology provides insights into the world of work. Knowledge of psychology can lead to improved work relationships, and it can benefit professionally, as well. A knowledge of human behavior is one of the "selling points" for psych majors when it comes to gaining employment, and a knowledge of basic psychology makes you a more effective supervisor/manager

Improved Employability

Contrary to popular belief, psychology is a very good general major for careers in law, social services, education, business, and many other occupations. The trick is knowing how to “sell” your psychology degree and background to a potential employer (the employer may hold to stereotypes that psychology is an "empty" major without real skills). However, savvy employers (and savvy job applicants) know that an understanding of human behavior is essential to success in the workplace.

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