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Mark Sherman Ph.D.


Mark Sherman is a professor emeritus of psychology at the State University of New York at New Paltz. After receiving his Ph.D. in psychology at Harvard (where one of his teachers was B.F. Skinner), he taught for 25 years at SUNY New Paltz, soon specializing in gender studies. He co-authored Afterplay, (Stein & Day; paperback by Pocket Books), the first major book on this important part of the human sexual experience. He then turned to male/female communication, co-authoring an important Psychology Today article "Man-to-Man, Woman-to-Woman."

Ultimately, Sherman's main interest shifted to the modern gender gap, especially in schools, where boys and young men are lagging well behind their sisters in kindergarten through graduate school.

Sherman is a member of a multi-partisan group for the establishment of a White House Council on Boys and Men ( He has also been editor of Boys and Young Men: Attention Must Be Paid (Promoting Achievement Among Boys and Young Men), a blog sponsored by the Boys Initiative, a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C (

Throughout his life, first-person writing and especially humor have been nearly as important to him as his serious work in psychology. He retired from teaching early to pursue his other writing. For more than three decades, he has written a very popular, bi-weekly humor column in the New Paltz Times, where he often writes about gender and relationships in a light-hearted, enlightening way.

Mark Sherman's PT blog is Real Men Don't Write Blogs.

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