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Jeffrey Spencer
Jeffrey Spencer

Why Winning Matters: Part I

Isn't it time you become you're own champion?

An important question to ask and answer at this critical juncture in history is whether winning is important and does it really matter? Despite varied opinions on the subject, becoming a winner may be the most important thing a person can do in life and does matter in very big ways.

So much so that winning is the key to a passionate, productive, purposeful, and prosperous life. And, if it becomes less valued in our lives then we can say goodbye to a catastrophic loss of untapped human talent and capacity that will never surface to benefit humanity or enable people to experience being the best that they can be.

What exactly is winning anyway? In the context of this post we'll define winning as the achieving a pre-meditated goal. In other words, to win is to succeed and vice versa. Obviously, there's a lot of wiggle room in this definition to spin it a million ways but what's critical is that winning's about completing a purposeful cycle of action with a specific intended outcome.

So then, exactly why is winning so important?

First, we're born to win. We've a primal instinct that compels us to achieve. That drive is what's behind each thought and action. It's what initiates every moment of our lives. We see this, for example, even in the most common of conversations. Have you ever heard anyone say they can't wait to get up the next day to fail? All I ever hear is how tired people are of being less than they know they're capable of being and how much they want more success and fulfillment.

Just take a moment to see that this is true for you. Wherever you are just stop what you're doing, deliberately slow down and observe your thoughts and impulses. You'll see that they all have something to do with completing a cycle of action ending in a desired goal being achieved. The goal doesn't matter. It could be something as simple as cleaning your bicycles chain for an upcoming triathlon, buying vitamins, or as complex as preparing a climb up Mt. Everest. The point is we're born to pursue and achieve goals, as that's the way Nature designed us.

And, if we forego pursuing our goals and ambitions it's equivalent to turning our backs on our birth talents and the privilege of life. Therefore, one of our highest and most honorable obligations is for us to be winners.

There's a reason we're given brains and bodies and that's for them to pair up to create and manifest our life successes. The brain figures out the plan and sets the mental compass heading to achieve our goals and it's the body under the brain's control that initiates the action steps to reach the outcome.

If we don't use our brain and body as intended and they aren't engaged and challenged to specific objectives regularly they will atrophy and cease to function as designed just as an unused muscle shrinks when not stimulated hard or frequently enough.

Winning also plays a vital and important role in our becoming a fully manifest and actuated individual. Another twist on the human drive to win as previously mentioned is that we're all hardwired with a psychic void and insatiable drive to fill what I call "the void".

The void is that black hole inside us that longs to be filled. We've all experienced it. It's that place where we sense and know something's missing in our lives but can't seem to put our finger on, let alone know how to fill it. And, we may even have tried to fill it with indulgences outside ourselves. These attempts always fall short.

Winning also creates our life legacy. A life full of personal wins further build upon each success to the point where winning becomes the norm rather than the exception. Part of our legacy is to leave one that we can look back on with pride knowing that we embraced and cultivated our talents and opportunities to the fullest.

But perhaps the most important aspect of being a winner is what it confers to others. The take home message for those who see our wins is that they can become winners themselves. If we can do it then they can do. Each success we have is a direct confirmation to them that having a successful and productive life is possible when the correct steps to achieve goals are done on a timely basis with full conviction.


About the Author
Jeffrey Spencer

Jeffrey Spencer is a former Olympic cyclist and 8-time Tour de France winning team doctor. He is author of Turn It Up! How To Perform At Your Highest Level For A Lifetime.

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