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Liam Cross, Ph.D., and Gray Atherton, Ph.D.


Liam Cross, Ph.D., and Gray Atherton, Ph.D., are lecturers in psychology at Edge Hill University. They have published work in many journals including Autism, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Genetic Psychology, and Social Psychology. You can learn more about their collaborative work at

Liam has a BSc from Lancaster University and a Ph.D. from Leeds Beckett University in psychology. He has previously lectured at Lancaster University, Buckingham University, Leeds Beckett University, University of Wolverhampton, and the Open University, and he held research positions at Sunway University in Malaysia and Central European University in Hungary.

Gray has a BSc in Child Development from Vanderbilt University, a Master’s in Counselling from University of Houston, and a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Individual Differences from University of Houston. She has previously lectured at University of Houston and the University of Wolverhampton. Prior to entering academia, Gray was a counselor for adolescents with neurodevelopmental conditions.

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