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Are You Suffering From Caregiver Fatigue or Burnout?

Therapeutic methods to relieve anxiety, stress, insomnia at home or on the go.

Finding time for YOU

with permission from
Source: with permission from

If you are a mother or father, and/or a caregiver to an aging parent or disabled family member, then likely you don't have much time or energy left for you. This is especially true if you are also holding a job.

If you work and take care of everyone else, then when do you have time for yourself? What about your health?

Caregivers usually do not have adequate time to relax, unwind, and/or get restorative sleep which can lead to depression, anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain from injury or inflammation, and/or chronic illness.

Being a parent today is drastically different than any generation before. We live in anxious times, with ever-changing technology and social outlets that provide constant opportunities to compare ourselves to others and to measure our children’s achievements. Being overly protective is the norm. We are bombarded by news stories of school shootings, violence, and disease. Bullying seems to be more prevalent. We start teaching about stranger danger, drug abuse and Internet safety earlier and earlier. Each day we learn about new threats that pose danger to the health of our families. There is BPA in plastic, genetically-modified foods, pesticides, vaccination controversy, concussions, childhood obesity, and more…. Of course we feel anxious! On top of it, people are living longer and in addition to caring for young children, there are aging parents to worry about too.

Taking care of everyone else can take its toll on you and lead to what is termed “Caregiver Fatigue.” If the symptoms are not addressed, you eventfully burnout resulting in psychological and/or emotional symptoms of heart attack, chronic fatigue, immune problems, chronic pain and, in some situations, even cancer. On the emotional side, chronic depression can lead to substance abuse and/or emotional breakdowns which result in hospitalization.

"You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup”

So, you may be wondering when and how you can take care of YOU when you are taking care of everyone else! While I would argue that making time for yourself to decompress through methods including yoga, meditation, and therapy are essential to your well-being, I understand the reality that most caregivers lack the time and/or energy to make this happen.

Therefore, I would like to share with you some effective methods which are not time-consuming, but will provide relief from anxiety, stress, insomnia, and chronic pain helping you to relax and enhancing your well-being. I call these methods “Wearable Wellness Neurotechnology”.

with permission from Dr. Diane Roberts Stoler, Ed. D., LCC
Source: with permission from Dr. Diane Roberts Stoler, Ed. D., LCC

What is Wearable Wellness Neurotechnology?

These are products that you can wear to relieve your symptoms without changing your lifestyle. These products provide you with the needed relief from depression, anxiety, insomnia and pain. And perhaps most importantly, these therapeutic therapies are not time-consuming and are 100% Drug-Free with NO side-effects! Some of the products are FDA cleared medical devices and might be covered under your health insurance.

Types of Wearable Wellness Neurotechnology

Descriptions of Wearable Wellness Neurotechnology

CES Device

CES stands for Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation. It is the process of using low power electrical current to stimulate the brain to restore and re-balance the various neurohormones. This has been shown to give especially great results for anxiety and insomnia. However, CES has been a relatively unknown and underused technology due to the fundamental Western bias in favor of pharmaceuticals.

How does it work?

CES devices are used by attaching leads to the ears to pass the current through the head. The current is very low and most users report feeling nothing, or a slight tingling. Like aspirin and many other agents that affect the brain, the exact physiological mechanism of CES is unknown. Researchers believe that CES works by indirectly stimulating tissue in the brain’s hypothalamic area. This causes the brain to manufacture various neurohormones, restoring its state to pre-stress homeostasis and encouraging a state of calm in the whole body.

CES devices are discreet and portable. A CES device is about the size of a smart phone. It can fit in the palm of your hand. You can put this device in your pocket and wear it from 30 mins to all day producing relief from anxiety, depression, insomnia and pain without any side effects. You can wear it while you work, while you drive, while you do laundry.

Relief gained from CES Device

Depending on the level of symptoms, most people initially feel some relief immediately or in the same day. However, the results are often gradual and are noticed from within a couple of days to a week.

How often should CES be used?

Use it until the symptoms disappear. Many symptoms will begin to fade as soon as 10 minutes or up to three days of treatment (using1 hour/day). Most symptoms will be alleviated between 10-15 days of treatment (using 1 hour/day). Some addiction treatment clinics use it on patients 24 hours/day, and some patients want to self-treat for many hours at a stretch. Use CES as much or as frequently as you like. CES is not addictive, and when the symptoms subside, you can just stop using the CES device.

You may be looking for a quick fix to immediately take away your pain or help you to sleep. And while over the counter medications (OTC) and prescription drugs may produce immediate relief, there are often many side-effects that go along with the use of medications. With the CES there are no medicine type side effects.

Are there any contraindications or side effects?

  • Do not use if you have a cardiac pacemaker. The electrical signals may cause the pacer to malfunction, leading to serious injury or death.
  • Do not use operating hazardous machinery.
  • Do not place ear clips or electrodes over skin lesions, new scars, cuts, eruptions or sunburn.
  • All persons who have the following conditions need to use the CES under the supervision of a qualified health care provider suffer from any mental disorder or psychiatric illness are currently using any drugs (prescription or recreational) are under the influence of alcohol have serious head injuries, epilepsy, brain tumors, or strokes.

For more than 38 years, CES devices have been used in hospitals and clinics, and thousands have been in use by patients in their homes. No major side effect has been noted or called in to physicians or the FDA from CES devices. Less than three percent of CES users report a slight headache. This is usually alleviated by simply turning down the current. If the headache recurs during ordinary use, cease using the unit and consult with your healthcare provider. In 1976 the U.S. National Research Council studied CES at FDA’s request. They determined that no significant risk could be involved in putting such small amounts of current through the head, even over time.

As with the use of any medical device, the physician/licensed practitioner should be informed of any medication or neurotransmitter blockers the patient is taking as well as the employment of cardiac pacemakers or other electronic devices as mentioned above. CES is not a substitute for professional counseling, meditation, or constructive relationships. Used in conjunction with those efforts, CES assists you in attaining a balanced emotional state.


It is a portable and convenient way to reduce stress, balance emotions and increase performance. Used just a few minutes a day, this simple-to-use technology helps you transform feelings of anger, anxiety or frustration into more peace, ease and clarity to be at your best.

The emWave2® will teach you to change your physiology through breathing and focusing on positive emotions. The emWave2® collects pulse data through a pulse sensor and translates the information from your heart rhythms into breathing guidelines to help you achieve syncopation between the heart, brain, and autonomic nervous system. This state of syncopation is called coherence and is a foundation for well-being and a healthy response to stress.

Features of emWave2®

  • Use emWave2® on the go as a portable training device and store your sessions for later review
  • Run a session while at your computer and watch your coherence through real–time charts
  • Store all session information on your computer for future comparison and review
  • Four challenge levels including a challenging Advanced User mode
  • Adjustable brightness of the LED displays and audio feedback
  • Make sessions entertaining with the coherence building tools

Restorative Health Blanket and Restorative Health Cushion

The Restorative (Solaris) Health Blanket and Cushion were developed to rebalance and restore harmony to the body’s natural energy flow providing amazing health benefits by working as both an “energy shield” and as an “energy mirror”. Reflecting the body’s own “energetic portrait” provides favorable conditions for healing and enhancing overall well-being for ALL ages.

Dr. Wilhelm Reich’s work on Orgone energy inspired the development of the Restorative Health Blanket. The theory of Orgone energy is Reich’s reference to the subtle body energy that is part of our manifold being which is negatively affected by both internal and external factors. Using this concept, the blanket’s material acts like an electro-magnetic mirror, reflecting the body’s energy portrait, thus improving the body’s self-corrective ability.

Restorative Health Blanket and Cushion Uses:

  • Strengthens the immune system and increases resistance to seasonal allergies, cold, flu with repeated use.
  • Improves recovery period from traumas, injuries, surgery, and common illnesses.
  • Aids in redistributing the body’s energy, which promotes faster healing and encourages blood flow in areas of poor circulation
  • Increases brain wave activity thereby enhancing one’s mood and outlook
  • Protects from harmful electromagnetic fields
  • Reflects the problem areas in the body’s “energy portrait” back on itself, thereby acting as a homeopathic stimulus for immune and healing responses
  • Safe to use, with no complications, or side effects
  • Can be used as a stand-alone treatment or combined with other therapies, fitness, or wellness programs
  • Practical and portable—can be used in the home or office, fitness center, or on the road.

Who Benefits From The Restorative Blanket and Cushion?

Anyone can benefit from the Restorative Health Blanket and/or cushion. The Restorative Health Blanket protects against dangers and hazards of the environment and is especially valuable for newborns and the elderly, however, everyone can benefit from protection and reflection, more energy, and balancing energy flow.

The blanket is used for stress relief, sore muscles, pain relief, sleep disorders, to increase performance, to fight against colds and viruses, to reduce the symptoms of many diseases, to increase blood circulation and relax muscles, as an anti-aging treatment… or just to feel calm, warm and toasty.

Can Be Used By:

  • Children, who are particularly sensitive to dangers and hazards of our environment
  • Elderly, who need to increase and preserves their energy resources
  • Athletes, to maximize their performance and speed up their recovery from sports injuries and traumas
  • Executives, anyone else with a stressful job, to decrease stress and burn-out.
  • … and anyone seeking relief from psycho-emotional tension and fatigue; stress and anxiety, constant worry; insomnia; physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion; stiff muscles, chronic muscle pain, and muscular spasms; high blood pressure; hyperactivity; low energy; and pre- and post-surgery.

How To Use The Restorative Health Blanket or Cushion

Recommended use for the Restorative Health Blanket is one hour before going to bed, or at bedtime. The duration of a session ranges from 15 to 60 minutes, but the optimal duration is generally 30-40 minutes, one to three times per day, based upon individual needs and reactions to use.

Use the Restorative Health Blanket in a quiet environment, free from outside distractions. Relaxation music, aromatherapy, essential oils, and beeswax candles can be used for deeper relaxation and additional benefits while using the blanket or cushion.

The Restorative Health Blanket and/or Cushion may bring about a feeling of internal warmth and a slight pricking sensation, which is safe and does not bring any discomfort. Sleepiness and extreme relaxation typically result from using Restorative Health Blanket. Experiencing a sense of inner peace and calm, that feels something like a meditation, is also a commonly reported.

It is best to be free from wearing any clothing or undergarments containing synthetic material. Any metallic jewelry and/ or watch should be removed. Prior to each session, touch a grounded metal object in order to eliminate static electricity.

The Restorative Cushion is perfect for anyone who is seated most of the day, or while driving and great for anyone in a wheelchair. It helps with pain relief and fatigue. For wheelchair users who are incontinent, all you need to do is put a trash bag over the cushion to protect it.

There is a Way!®

These effective and therapeutic methods can be done at home, at the office or on the go providing you necessary relief and health benefits while you take care of your loved ones.

Be Well.

-Dr. Diane

©2017 Dr. Diane Roberts Stoler, Ed.D. All Rights Reserved.

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