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Photo of Paige Bartholomew, MA, Marriage & Family Therapist
Highly Sensitive People (HSP) Group
Hosted by: Paige Bartholomew

Highly Sensitive People (HSP) Group

Photo of Paige Bartholomew, MA, Marriage & Family Therapist
Verified by Psychology Today Verified by Psychology Today

Connect with Highly Sensitive People (HSP) Group
Photo of Paige Bartholomew, MA, Marriage & Family Therapist

Zoom every other week for 2 hours. You are probably an HSP if you're an empath, an introvert, have high functioning Autism, have extra-sensory perception of any kind, or are keenly aware of your spiritual self. We support each other in the loneliness we feel, living on a planet where we don't seem to fit in. You'll be deeply held in your sense of isolation, feelings of being different. We strive to "hear" and "understand" every person, every week, so you leave feeling nourished, uplifted, valued and seen. Deep friendships are often made here.

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Connect with Highly Sensitive People (HSP) Group
Photo of Paige Bartholomew, MA, Marriage & Family Therapist

Group Practice at a Glance