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Drugs: Halting the Craving

Blocking the druggie's high and treating narcotic addiction.

New medicines to combat addiction to drugs like heroin and
Oxycontin are in the works. The drugs block the high that abusers

Herbert Kleber, professor of psychiatry at Columbia University in
New York City, says researchers are experimenting with an injectable
version of naltrexone, already used to treat narcotic addiction. One dose
interrupts the effects of heroin for up to four weeks. Researchers hope
testing will begin soon on an implantable version already in use in
Australia that could last for as many as 12 months. Daily addiction
medications have always been problematic because patients don't
take them, says Kleber.

Would addicts need to take the drugs for life? Kleber says that
isn't yet clear, but that the medications shouldn't be seen
by doctors as a substitute for rehabilitation therapy.