Anger Management
Anger management is typically mistaken for the ability to "not get mad." That's simply not the case. Anger management is recognizing the signs that you're becoming angry, figuring out what makes or made you angry (trigger points) and applying self control and dealing with situations in a conducive way. Anger management does not prevent you from feeling anger or encourage you to hold it in. Anger is a normal emotion when you deal with and express it properly - anger management teaches just that.
Group Details
Caring Conversations Center, LLC
27475 Ferry Road
Suite 107
Warrenville, IL 60555
Session Cost
Group Meets
Caring Conversations Center, LLC
27475 Ferry Road
Suite 107
Warrenville, IL 60555
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My Other Groups
Empowerment Parenting Classes
The sole purpose of Empowerment Parenting is to teach parents the core concept of being their children's initial teacher, as well as caregiver. It is a 10-week, one hour session focusing on building confidence and skills within parents essential to guiding and providing for their children while also minimizing conflict. The ultimate goal is to empower parents in order to empower children, strengthening the ability to ultimately succeed in life.
Session Cost
LGBTQ Support Group
Join us for an LGBTQ+ Support Group on the 1st Thursday of the month for a free, safe space for connection, support, and friendship.