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Matt Grawitch Ph.D.

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Matt Grawitch, Ph.D., is a professor at Saint Louis University (SLU), serving within the School for Professional Studies (SPS), the unit primarily responsible for providing education to working professionals. He changes job titles about every 18 months, as new demands arise. Over the course of 10 years he’s been the Director of the Leadership and Organizational Development Program, Associate Dean, Interim Dean, and too many other roles to count. He currently serves as the Director of Strategic Research, which is just a flashy title for helping the school to make better data-driven decisions.

He has expertise in stress, decision making, and leadership, has published numerous articles and book chapters on these and other topics, and has co-edited a book about the psychologically healthy workplace. He has been featured as an expert (or expert source) in several outlets including NPR, Forbes, Thrive Global, HR Dive, CNN Money, and The New York Times.

When it comes to teaching, his favorite course is “Ethical, Evidence-Based Decision Making.” The course focuses on helping students to improve their competency in logic and argument, identifying pseudoscience B.S. and fallacious reasoning in the world around them, and making better decisions by integrating evidence and ethics.

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