Mood Management- Anger
Anger management issue is a manageable problem. Learn to think through your reactions and communicate your wants and needs effectively. Learn different reasons anger is used, what experts are saying about techniques and self-talk that heal. New concepts/handouts help you remember and move into a new way of being. 1-on-1 intake screening session required. Objectives: understand the causes of anger; what is needed to manage anger; begin to replace thoughts and actions using new coping skills and concepts. 8-hour session $100. (4-hour sessions $50.) Court/probation-mandated certificate approved. Follow-up counseling 50% off.
Group Details
Worksuites Offices
320 Decker Drive
Irving, TX 75062
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Perfect Parenting
This group is limited to 10 people with similar concerns. Participants are required to do an intake screening session. Objective 1: to establish concepts of a system of parenting which grows with your child while teaching the child to think and be responsible. Objective 2: to assist participants in becoming comfortable using the techniques -begin using immediately. Structure of Meeting: Check-in, Successes and Failures, Presentation of new concept, Discussion of concept, how to implement and hand-out/homework. Additional benefits of participating in this group: Individual or family counseling for 50% off with purchase of monthly group package.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Abolish Addictions- All Kinds
This group is limited to 10 people with similar concerns. Participants are required to do an intake screening session. Objective 1: to establish concepts of causes of your addiction. Objective 2: to assist participants in finding out whether they are ready to be free of addictions. Objective 3: to introduce activities and concepts that support cessation of the addiction. Structure of Meeting: Check-in (Successes and Failures), Review of homework, Presentation of new concept, Discussion of concept, how to implement, and hand-out/homework. Additional benefits of participating in this group: Individual or family counseling for 50% off with purchase of monthly group package.