Pony Express - Pre-teen Group - Ages 9-12
Help your youngster prepare for the teen years. The focus of this group is emotion recognition and regulation to aid in the reduction of anxiety. Mindfulness, communication skills, relationship building, character building and leadership skills organically develop through work with our herd. The ultimate goal is to help our young people build the resilience, awareness, and self-esteem they need to move into, and through, the teen years. All sessions take place in the arena with the horses and EAGALA model certified professionals. Our Fall group is under way. Call for information regarding our Winter group. *Screening/Intake required.
Group Details
The Heart of the Matter, PLLC
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy
2885 N Price Rd
Chandler, AZ 85224
Session Cost
Group Meets
The Heart of the Matter, PLLC
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy
2885 N Price Rd
Chandler, AZ 85224
Email us
My Other Groups
Teen Group - Ages 13-17
Many teens lack the resilience to cope with everyday challenges of the world. Anxiety, low self-esteem, and feelings of disconnection can be crippling. Let the horses help your teen move into and through these challenges and emerge ready to engage with the world. Emotion recognition and regulation is the focus of this group. Reduced anxiety, mindfulness, communication skills, character building, and leadership skills organically develop while working with our herd. Sessions take place in the arena with the horses and our EAGALA certified professionals. Spring group is under way. Call for information regarding our summer group. *Screening/Intake required.
Session Cost
Circle of Friends - Ages 7-9
The focus of this group is emotion recognition and regulation. Mindfulness, communication skills, relationship building, character building and leadership skills organically develop through work with our herd. The ultimate goal is to help our young people build the resilience, awareness, and self-esteem they need to move into, and through, the difficult world that we live in. All sessions take place in the arena with the horses and EAGALA model certified professionals. Our Fall group is under way. Call for information regarding our Winter group. *Screening/Intake required.