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Photo of Peter P Bernhardt, MFT
Men's Group
Hosted by: Peter P Bernhardt

Men's Group

Photo of Peter P Bernhardt, MFT
Verified by Psychology Today Verified by Psychology Today

Let's Connect (510) 497-0537
Photo of Peter P Bernhardt, MFT

Free Intros- see website Learn to live more fully in the present moment and free yourself from the grip of incapacitating fear and the tyranny of self-judgment; Undo your depressive responses to stress and conflict; Manage your anger and undo the triggers that set you off; Discover the hidden conflicts and old roles that have been holding you back; Deepen your capacity for feelings and managing intimacy; Develop trust with other men and see how you sabotage success and intimacy. Discover the "secrets" of successful relationships and how to build more connection, joy, satisfaction, aliveness and warmth into your life.

Group Details


1197 Valencia and 23rd St

San Francisco, CA 94106

Session Cost


Group Meets

Every Thu 6 P.M. - 7:30 P.M.


Email Peter P Bernhardt about this group or call - (510) 497-0537
Let's Connect (510) 497-0537
Photo of Peter P Bernhardt, MFT

Group Practice at a Glance

1197 Valencia and 23rd St

San Francisco, CA 94106


1197 Valencia and 23rd St

San Francisco, CA 94106

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