Adult Psychotherapy Group - Relationship Focus
This group is an adult, mixed gender, interpersonal psychotherapy group. The group provides members with the opportunity to practice sharing their thoughts and feelings with one another in real time, while sharing the salient emotional story of their lives.
Group Details
595 East Colorado Boulevard
Suite 501
Pasadena, CA 91101
Session Cost
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Adult Psychotherapy Group - Relationship Focus
Groups have been shown to be as effective as individual therapy for addressing certain problems If you are interested in developing healthier relationships with others, or learning more about your 'social self' I highly recommend that you consider group psychotherapy. The presence, support and feedback of peers creates a powerful, unique learning experience that cannot be achieved in individual therapy. Additionally, I am a Certified as a Group Psychotherapist by the National Registry of Certified Group Psychotherapists.
Session Cost
Adult Psychotherapy Group - Relationship Focus
Groups have been shown to be as effective as individual therapy for addressing certain problems If you are interested in developing healthier relationships with others, or learning more about your 'social self' I highly recommend that you consider group psychotherapy. The presence, support and feedback of peers creates a powerful, unique learning experience that cannot be achieved in individual therapy. Additionally, I am a Certified as a Group Psychotherapist by the National Registry of Certified Group Psychotherapists.