Mindfulness 101
Let's Connect (484) 255-4676
This is an introductory class/group to help people find meditation techniques that might work for them. Through practice, small group discussion and instruction participants will learn about their own styles and preferences so they can begin a small practice of their own.
Group Details
Email Lillian Rozin about this group or call - (484) 255-4676
Let's Connect (484) 255-4676
My Other Groups
Cultivating a Resilient Mind
8 week session that includes guided meditation, short talks and videos, and discussion among group members. Intention of the group is to gain insight and tools for dealing with life's challenges, and to explore and practice in a safe and supportive atmosphere.
Types of Therapy
Mindfulness-Based (MBCT)
Session Cost
up to $20
Email Lillian Rozin about this group or call - (484) 255-4676