Teen Group
This group is for high school age members. The group is every Monday night at 7:30pm. It is an opportunity for members to create social connections, process their experiences, and increase social skills, and social and emotional confidence. During the group concrete skills and strategies are provided for areas such as how to cope with stress, stay organized at school, deal with relationships, and many other subtopics. Group has an in person and tele- therapy option.
Group Details
Kesselman Clincial Associates
237 West Lancaster Ave
Suite 112
Devon, PA 19333
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Teen Girls Group
This is a group that helps to empower and enhance social skills and abilities. Specific skills focus on self-esteem building, problem solving, regulating emotions, and dealing with special issues such as bullying and teasing, and stress coping to name a few. Members will also learn how to work together as a group.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Young Adult Group
This group focuses on the time after high school where there are some tricky spots to navigate in the adult world. Topics such as employment, relationships, friendships, living independently, spending and budgeting are just a few of the topics we cover in this group. Group members are given the opportunity to receive guidance from one another, get support, and are given direct advice from the group leader who introduces topics pertinent to this time in life.