Women Of Color Healing Group
This open group will meet monthly starting on March 30th, 2023 on the 4th Thursday of each month from 6:30 pm - 8 pm EST until May 2023. Being a woman in 2023 and beyond brings its daily challenges. This group will provide a space for women of color to speak freely about their everyday stressors. Monthly sessions will be topic-driven. Topics include: dating, creating healthy boundaries, career & personal goal setting, and relationship building. Group sessions are $55 per person, each session. This group will meet in person, unless the group votes to meet virtually.
Group Details
Healing-Circle Virtual
8730 Georgia Avenue
Suite 200
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Teens of Color Healing Group
This group will meet biweekly on Wednesdays, 6:30 pm - 8 pm EST starting on March 15th. Do you have an adolescent who may be having some difficulty since COVID-19? When the pandemic hit many of our teens suffered isolation, fear, depression, and anxiety. This group will offer a safe space for teens to talk about their symptoms and build tools to manage their everyday life and function in a healthy way. Topics will be centered around school coping, relationship building, and identifying strengths. This group will run until the end of May 2023 and will be in person.