Esra Karaca
Psychologist, MA, PsyD, LP
Verified by Psychology Today Verified by Psychology Today
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
Let's Connect (248) 918-0762
Esra Karaca, PsyD LP is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in neuropsychological assessment.
Dr. Karaca's testing services are recommended for any case in which brain-based impairment in cognitive function, development, adaptive functioning or behavior is suspected. Areas of assessment include differential diagnoses; academic achievement; ADHD; LD; ASD; brain injury; dementia; impact of neurological disease, stroke, seizure; and much more.
I believe in creating a safe, open and non-judgmental therapeutic environment so that you may feel comfortable expressing yourself and working through difficult issues. I am committed to working together to understand your needs, develop an assessment plan, answer diagnostic questions, and come up with a treatment plan geared to the individual/family.
Take the first step to help. Call Esra Karaca now - (248) 918-0762
Let's Connect (248) 918-0762
- Pay by Cash, Check, Discover, Health Savings Account, Mastercard, Visa
- BlueCross and BlueShield
Check fees and, if listed, ask to verify your insurance coverage. (248) 918-0762
Esra Karaca
Psychologist, MA, PsyD, LP
- Verified by Psychology Today Licensed by State of Michigan / 6301015831 Esra Karaca
- In Practice for 17 Years
- Certificate from American Psychological Association 2005
- Attended Washington School of Professional Psychology
Specialties and Expertise
Top Specialties
- Autism
- Education and Learning Disabilities
- Anxiety
- Asperger's Syndrome
- Behavioral Issues
- Child
- Depression
- Developmental Disorders
- Intellectual Disability
- Parenting
- School Issues
- Self Esteem
- Testing and Evaluation
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Client Focus
Toddler ,
Children (6 to 10) ,
Preteen ,
Teen ,
Adults ,
Elders (65+)
Individuals ,
Toddler ,
Children (6 to 10) ,
Preteen ,
Teen ,
Adults ,
Elders (65+)
Individuals ,
Treatment Approach
Types of Therapy
- Psychological Testing and Evaluation
Nearby Areas
Take the first step to help. Call now - (248) 918-0762
Esra Karaca
Psychologist, MA, PsyD, LP