Old Moms Group - Mothering Adult Children
Like a New Moms Group only for mothers of post-college aged adult children. Parenting doesn't end when children grow up, it evolves and while there is a lot of parenting support for new mothers, parenting adult children comes with its own challenges. Some topics discussed include: dependence, cut-off, and what is "success"; children's partners and growing families; cultural and generational differences. 6 Fridays, March 8 to April 12, 2024 via Zoom
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Improv for Couples
Improv teaches people to listen to each other, make eye contact, build trust, work as a team, and laugh together. And a couple that laughs together, lasts together! A couple that plays together, stays together! "The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct.” Carl Jung 6 Wednesdays, March 20 - April 24, 2024 via Zoom