Contemporary Counseling Center
Marriage & Family Therapist, MS, LPC, TEP
- Sliding scale: apply if you may be eligible
- Pay by Check, Venmo, Zelle
- Out of Network
- Verified by Psychology Today Licensed by State of New Jersey / 37PC00093600 Bernice Garfield-Szita
- Certificate from Group Psychotherapy & Psychodrama
- Attended Brooklyn College, Graduated 1973
Marriage & Family Therapist: Bernice Garfield-Szita
Specialties and Expertise
Top Specialties
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Relationship Issues
- Adoption
- Anger Management
- Behavioral Issues
- Bipolar Disorder
- Bisexual
- Borderline Personality (BPD)
- Cancer
- Career Counseling
- Child
- Chronic Impulsivity
- Chronic Pain
- Coping Skills
- Dementia
- Dissociative Disorders (DID)
- Divorce
- Domestic Abuse
- Domestic Violence
- Eating Disorders
- Emotional Disturbance
- Family Conflict
- Geriatric and Seniors
- Grief
- Impulse Control Disorders
- Infertility
- Internet Addiction
- Lesbian
- Life Coaching
- Mood Disorders
- Narcissistic Personality (NPD)
- Obesity
- Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD)
- Oppositional Defiance (ODD)
- Parenting
- Peer Relationships
- Personality Disorders
- Pet Bereavment, Crime Victim, Singl
- School Issues
- Self Esteem
- Self-Harming
- Sex Therapy
- Sexual Abuse
- Sexual Addiction
- Sleep or Insomnia
- Spirituality
- Suicidal Ideation
- Thinking Disorders
- Transgender
- Trauma and PTSD
- Video Game Addiction
- Weight Loss
Client Focus
I also speak
I also speak
Treatment Approach
Types of Therapy
- Eclectic
- Family / Marital
- Humanistic
- Interpersonal
- Psychodrama
- Psychodynamic
The Mourning After - Grief Counseling Group
Healing takes place in the company of others who understand & care. This grief counseling program is designed to assist people with recent and not-so-recent losses adjust to the powerful emotions of grieving and the long term changes in the months and years that follow. It will help participants to: understand predictable reactions to loss, express powerful emotions such as anger, guilt or a sense of abandonment, cope with the demands of new roles, initiate positive personal growth, find comfort learning that they are not alone. Meets virtually on Zoom first Friday of the month. New attendees please contact us in advance.
Group Meets
Center Playhouse
35 South Street
Freehold, NJ 07728
WE: Women Evolving
Join us for a unique monthly opportunity to collaborate with high functioning women who are interested in learning and sharing strategies to create the most satisfying personal and professional life possible. Please call or email to register.
Session Cost
Group Meets
Contemporary Counseling Center
10 E Main Street
Suite 5B
Freehold, NJ 07728
Playing Your Finest Role - Psychodrama Workshop
PLAYING YOUR FINEST ROLE will use Psychodrama and other action methods. This workshop will explore and enhance the world we live in, both internally and externally. It will allow us to heal the past, clarify the present, and imagine the future. * Explore personal relationships * Develop deeper dramatic insight * Review professional roles * Experience playful spontaneity * Enhance directorial and other leadership skills * Enjoy the company of others who are interested in examining their lives while discovering their creative energy
Session Cost
Center Playhouse
35 South Street
Freehold, NJ 07728