Adult Art Therapy Group
Best Self LLC now offers a variety of group therapy. This group is designed for adults who are seeking to connect, laugh and explore their thoughts feelings and how to improve their resilience through art. Art Therapy groups are facilitated by an Art Therapist. This group will include opportunities to work with a variety of art mediums. This group is a safe space for all! Come and share or find your best self!
Group Details
Best Self LLC
Phoenix, AZ 85051
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
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Blank Canvas - Art Therapy Group (Teens)
Best Self LLC now offers a variety of group therapy. New Group forming now! This group is designed for teens ages 14-17 who are seeking to connect, laugh and explore their thoughts feelings and how to improve their resilience through art. Art Therapy groups are facilitated by a registered Art Therapist. This group will include opportunities to work with a variety of art mediums. This group is a safe space for all teens! Come and share or find your best self!