Kadian Simmonds
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, PMHNP
Verified by Psychology Today Verified by Psychology Today
Lakeville, MN 55044
Let's Connect (952) 209-7703
Our mental health is essential in keeping us balanced in our daily lives. I can help you obtain balance in your mental health. My goal is to help you handle your interpretation and response to your daily stressors. I can assist you through psychotherapy or prescriptive medications. During my spare time I enjoy the oceans and rivers. My interpretation of life is like the ocean coming to shore, it is always a different wave symbolic for our opportunity to make a difference daily.
Kadian offers telehealth visits so you attend your appointments from the comfort of your own home via Zoom. We offer alternative therapies at Nexus of Hope. Inquire about a TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) mapping today!
Kadian works with adults and children (5 and up)!
Take the first step to help. Call or Email Kadian Simmonds now - (952) 209-7703
Let's Connect (952) 209-7703
- Pay by American Express, Cash, Health Savings Account, Mastercard, Visa
- Aetna
- BlueCross and BlueShield
- Cigna and Evernorth
- HealthPartners of MN and WI
- Medicaid
- PreferredOne
- UCare
Email me or call with questions - (952) 209-7703
Kadian Simmonds
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, PMHNP
- Verified by Psychology Today License: Minnesota / 10602 Kadian Simmonds
- License: Family Nurse Practitioner 9265878 / 2015
- Degree/Diploma from Florida Atlantic University Masters in Science / 2015
- Wilkes University, PMHNP, Graduated 2022
Specialties and Expertise
- Addiction
- Alcohol Use
- Anger Management
- Anxiety
- Behavioral Issues
- Bipolar Disorder
- Child
- Chronic Illness
- Codependency
- Coping Skills
- Dementia
- Depression
- Eating Disorders
- Emotional Disturbance
- Mood Disorders
- Oppositional Defiance (ODD)
- Personality Disorders
- Psychosis
- Self Esteem
- Self-Harming
- Sleep or Insomnia
- Substance Use
- Suicidal Ideation
- Trauma and PTSD
Nearby Areas
Take the first step to help. Call now - (952) 209-7703
Kadian Simmonds
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, PMHNP