Apex Wellness Center
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, PMHNP, DNP, PhD
Verified by Psychology Today Verified by Psychology Today
20905 Greenfield Road, Suite 508M, Southfield, MI 48075
Let's Connect (248) 900-2616
Dr. Uche Obua is an experienced healthcare provider. He is a Family Nurse Practitioner as well as a Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. He holds a Doctor of Nursing degree and a PhD in Biochemistry. Dr. Obua is very experienced in addiction treatment having worked in an outpatient opioid treatment program for the past 5 years. He has in the years affected and orchestrated positive change and made a difference with patients skillfully and with diligence.
Dr. Obua has in-depth knowledge and professional skills to give patients the treatment and guidance they need on their journey to wellness. Using psychotherapy modalities and psychopharmacology, and in collaboration with psychiatrists and other professionals patients are put on a regimen of therapy and prescription medications to improve their mental health.
Dr. Obua possesses developed clinical skills and easily establishes excellent rapport with clients. He goes out of his way to be helpful and available to consult regarding the welfare of his patients, expressing genuine concern and empathy towards their medical, mental and psychological needs while demonstrating confidence and command of relevant knowledge.
Take the first step to help. Call or Email Apex Wellness Center now - (248) 900-2616
Let's Connect (248) 900-2616
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Apex Wellness Center
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, PMHNP, DNP, PhD
- Verified by Psychology Today License: Michigan / 4704277248 Uche Obua
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner: Uche Obua
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Take the first step to help. Call now - (248) 900-2616
Apex Wellness Center
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, PMHNP, DNP, PhD