YouthSTAR of Rexburg
YouthSTAR is a Pornography and sexual addiction treatment group for adolescents and their Parents. This group is designed to help those struggling with Compulsive Sexual behaviors and their parents in creating a Pornography resilient Family and prevent these behaviors from developing into life consuming addiction.
Group Details
Cornerstone Counseling and Education
859 S Yellowstone Hwy
Rexburg, ID 83440
Cornerstone Counseling and Education
859 S Yellowstone Hwy
Rexburg, ID 83440
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LifeSTAR of Rexburg
LifeSTAR is a three-phase treatment program designed to help individuals who struggle with pornography addiction and sexually compulsive behaviors and their partners. Participants seeking to get into recovery learn to create a long-term solution to pornography and sexual addiction. Must be registered to attend.