Your Story
Do you startle when a book drops? Is your body always on high alert? Do certain smells make you nauseous? Do loud voices make you want to fight or shut down? Your body is a diary of your life and generations before you. This eight-week intensive is based on the work of Stephen Porges, Dan Siegel, Peter Levine, and Bessel van der Kolk. The body tells the story. Neuroscience shows that understanding our story is key to resolving trauma. Together we will make sense of both your narrative and somatic story. Join us on the journey of Your Story.
Group Details
Workspace 360
395 Pitchfork Trail
Willow Park, TX 76087
Session Cost
Types of Therapy
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Your Story
The body tells the story. This intensive will take you on the journey of your life. Neuroscience shows that making sense of our story is important for the resolution of trauma and making sense of our lives. According to Dr. Dan Siegel, making sense of our story is one of the best ways to become a great parent. I hope you join us on this journey of. . . YOUR STORY.