Young Adults' Virtual Support Group; 18-22yo

Entering adulthood confidently and working towards a future that feels worth living is exciting but can be a lot to think about. We'll focus on ways that you can build self-awareness and self-worth, and create goals that feel achievable - from getting out of bed in the morning to making a bold career choice. You will learn to get to know that voice inside your head and become comfortable running with positive thoughts and throwing unhelpful thoughts in the trash. This group is for young adults with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and/or thoughts of self-harm.
Group Details
RW Psychotherapy
Yonkers, NY 10710
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy

My Other Groups
Women Supporting Women

Group sessions are designed to be raw and vulnerable, collaborative and educational, covering a wide range of topics including identity formation, relationships (with friends, romantic/sexual partners, our bodies, our families, etc.), career development, and mental health. Learn evidence-based strategies to manage stress, regulate your emotions, and build a life you look forward to living. We'll learn how to advocate, set boundaries, ask for your needs to be met. Let's work together to create a community of support and encouragement as we navigate the challenges of being a woman and an adult.