Young Adult DBT Skills Group (18 to 22 y/o)
Dialectical Behavior Therapy is an evidence-based treatment for behaviors like impulsivity, suicide attempts/self-harm, emotional instability, & addiction. DBT says a client's primary problem is emotional vulnerability and difficulty regulating emotional responses. Ongoing "emotion dysregulation" impacts relationships, coping skills, clear thinking under stress, and a stable sense of self. These 16 weeks target the unique concerns of young adults & focuses on Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation, and Distress Tolerance. DBT teaches "radical acceptance" of self, the need for change, and skills to build a life worth living. Tuesdays 6:00-7:15 *Group facilitated by Sierra Felix, LCMHCA
Group Details
Affinity Counseling & Wellness, PLLC
3143 South Stratford Road
Winston Salem, NC 27103
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Affinity Counseling & Wellness, PLLC
3143 South Stratford Road
Winston Salem, NC 27103
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DBT Skills: Adolescent 4:30-5:45, Adult 6-7:15
Dialectical Behavior Therapy is an evidence-based treatment for impulsivity, suicide attempts/self-harm, emotional instability, & addiction. DBT says a client's primary problem is emotional vulnerability and difficulty regulating emotional responses. Ongoing "emotion dysregulation" impacts relationships, coping skills, clear thinking under stress, and a stable sense of self. These 16 weeks focus on Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation, and Distress Tolerance. DBT teaches "radical acceptance" of self, the need for change, & skills to build a life worth living. Adolescents: Monday/Thursday 4:30-5:45; Adults: Monday 6:00-7:15 *Facilitator: Susannah S. Cecil, MEd, LCMHCS, E-RYT
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Integrative Restorative Yoga
Integrative Restorative Yoga is group therapy using Restorative Yoga (yoga poses supported by props), with evidenced-based behavioral health skills to assist clients in reducing depression, anxiety, stress, to cultivate positive body image, and to support emotional well-being. The series combines deep relaxation, breath work, and mindfulness practices with behavioral health skills (CBT, DBT, ACT, MBSR, etc.) to increase distress tolerance and improve emotion regulation. The 6 week series is designed to give clients skills to take off the mat and into their lives in support of steadiness, calm, and peace. Facilitator: Susannah S. Cecil, LCMHCS, E-RYT