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Photo of Lisa Robin, PhD, Psychologist
Women’s Mid-Life Support Group
Hosted by: Lisa Robin

Women’s Mid-Life Support Group

Photo of Lisa Robin, PhD, Psychologist
Hosted by: Lisa Robin
Verified by Psychology Today Verified by Psychology Today

Let's Connect (929) 296-1697
Photo of Lisa Robin, PhD, Psychologist

For women ages 45+. Experience and offer support from peers who share a similar life stage: concerns around aging and appearance, friendships that are in flux or dwindling, parenting concerns and one’s own aging parents, empty nest adaptation, marital issues, dating and sex in mid-life, career struggles, social isolation, meaning making/existential angst and coming to terms with regrets are among the topics that could be explored in this group. Please call to schedule an individual consultation. Start date late mid February 2025.

Group Details


New York, NY 10023

Session Cost



Women's Issues 


Email Lisa Robin about this group or call - (929) 296-1697
Let's Connect (929) 296-1697
Photo of Lisa Robin, PhD, Psychologist

Group Practice at a Glance

New York, NY 10023

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