Women’s Interpersonal Process Group
If you’re looking for a place to safely learn more about yourself, others, and the way you interact in relationships, this group is for you! Our IP group offers an opportunity to experiment with communication styles, share authentically, and expand your capacity for deep and meaningful interpersonal connections. You will be invited to practice giving and receiving interpersonal feedback and to learn new ways of engaging in relationships. Run by Dr. Colleen Monn at Trysa Shulman and Associates
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My Other Groups
DBT for Emerging Adults starting Sept - virtual
DBT Skills Group for ages 18 to 25 who experience chronic emotional difficulties. Primary goals of the group are to decrease self-destructive behaviors, increase effective coping skills, and create a sense of behavioral and emotional stability for the group member. Topics include emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, distress tolerance, and mindfulness. We also address building confidence, short and long term goals, and self-care. All group members are required to be in weekly individual therapy throughout the course of the program. An initial screening must be scheduled ahead. Private pay only. Run by Dr. Colleen Monn at Trysa Shulman & Associates
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Emotional Skills Workshop for Parents
8 session virtual workshop for parents to understand and take care of emotions, create internal calm, stop fighting with yourself or others, gain greater clarity and compassion. Use components of Internal Family Systems, Polyvagal Theory (focus on re-training nervous system responses), and DBT to improve parenting and other key relationships. For parents who want to feel less overwhelmed or reactive and better support their family's well being through their own practice. Available online with in-person supplemental sessions as needed. Email to register!