Womens DBT-informed Skills Group (Teletherapy)
ROLLING ADMISSION CALL NOW FOR INITIAL ASSESSMENT! Through structured skill presentation & written exercises, you will learn: #1: to observe & accept being in the moment (the now) without judgment; to re-focus your mind & attention by identifying your thoughts, feelings & behaviors that create difficulties in your life. #2: to interact with family, friends, co-workers, & bosses more effectively. #3: to manage (get through, deal with, accept) stressful situations effectively. #4: how emotions work, use coping skills to manage emotions & respond instead of reacting. A pre -group assessment is required. Participants must have an individual therapist and purchase workbook.
Group Details
Branford, CT 06405
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Women's DBT Maintenance Group (Teletherapy)
ROLLING ADMISSION - CALL FOR INFO! Join other women who have knowledge of DBT Skills and are interested in putting the skills into practice. To join this aftercare/maintenance group you must have successfully completed at least one round of skills instruction (IOP or other group). A pre-group assessment is required. Participants must have an individual therapist. Call now for next start date.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Woman's DBT informed Skills Group (Teletherapy)
NEW GROUP STARTING CALL NOW FOR INITIAL ASSESSMENT! Through structured skill presentation & written exercises, you will learn: #1: to observe & accept being in the moment (the now) without judgment; to re-focus your mind & attention by identifying your thoughts, feelings & behaviors that create difficulties in your life. #2: to interact with family, friends, co-workers, & bosses more effectively. #3: to manage (get through, deal with, accept) stressful situations effectively. #4: how emotions work, use coping skills to manage emotions & respond instead of reacting. A pre -group assessment is required. Participants must have an individual therapist and purchase workbook.