Women in Stepfamilies
Remarriage can be the best time of your life, but do you wonder whether the bliss can last with intrusive exes and acting out stepchildren? Discover how you can be remarried...and happy too! Learn how to: Bring back the romance to your marriage Co-parent effectively with your ex, your husband's ex, and your husband Create cherished memories and traditions Set obtainable goals Care for yourself amidst chaos Create a winning vision for your family A 4 week educational group. RSVP: 714.527.8111
Group Details
4152 Katella Ave #101b
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
Session Cost
Group Meets
My Other Groups
Call-in Stepfamily Support Group
Survive undermining exes, hostile stepchildren, and other hazards with support and stories about what works and what doesn't. We address the following topics: (1) co-parenting with exes, (2) merging finances, (3) divided loyalties, (4) children and step-parenting, (5) unrealistic expectations, (6) hope and tools for solutions. For more details and to RSVP, visit http://www.remarriedwithchildren.org/resources/stepfamily-support-group/
Divorce Support Group
Empower yourself during the emotional and legal divorce process. Acquire tools to heal from your divorce. in a warm and safe environment. Forgive your spouse and yourself. Co-parent effectively. RSVP. Seating is limited. Call: 714.527.8111 to reserve your seat today.