Women at Sixty:
An exploration of the transition from middle adulthood to the joy of wisdom. This will be an on-going therapy group for women in their fifty’s, sixty’s and older to co-create a safe and sacred place in which to share and reflect upon one’s place in the life spectrum. We will learn about the work of Erik Erikson with a focus on Erikson’s virtues of Caring and Wisdom. Cost for the group is $300.00 for the first 10 weeks and $30.00 per week thereafter. Please contact me at 617-824-0843 to register.
Group Details
To be announced
Concord, MA 01742
Group Meets
My Other Groups
The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection:
How to intentionally change your life for the better. Much has been written about the mind-body-spirit connection, but what does this connection mean and how is it relevant to people’s lives – to addressing the emotional, physical and spiritual struggles that people confront every day? See website for full description: virginiabradleyhines.com Cost for the 10-week group is $300.00. Please contact me at 617-824-0843 to register.