Weight Loss support group
Weekly groups to support weight loss efforts. Our Club E.A.S.E. was developed after a long history working with the emotional aspects related to weight loss and medical issues that can be reversed. The emotional effects are vast. Losing weight requires the following 4 principals: E-education , A-accountability, S- support, E- empowerment hence Club E.A.S.E. was created to help “ease” into your goals with long term success. For more information call and speak to our specialist, Veronica Penagos, RN .
Group Details
2821 Crow Canyon Road
San Ramon, CA 94583
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Session Cost
What Is Your Love Laguage? Relationships
Interpersonal Relationship Skills featuring: Love Languages This group will focus on: -How to improve our relationships with others -Our moods and how they affect our relationships and vice versa - We will learning about our emotions and how to express them -Understanding why our key love languages are important -Role playing -Peer shared experiences Number of participants: 8-12 We will have 8 weekly sessions that will last 1.5 hours Starting on February 8th @ 11am LA, 2pm NY, 7pm London, 9pm Athens.