Wayne Wellness Psychotherapy
Let's Connect (973) 435-6252
Wayne Wellness has 13 counselors that all work with different age groups and all have different specialties. All counselors work both virtually through telehealth and also all meet in person in the office if that is your preference. Many clients seem to do well with a hybrid model which allows clients to schedule both in person and virtual sessions. Please reach out to see if we are a good fit for you. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Group Details
Wayne Wellness
1401 Valley Road
Wayne, NJ 07470
Email Isabelle Murray Kayal about this group or call - (973) 435-6252
Let's Connect (973) 435-6252
Wayne Wellness
1401 Valley Road
Wayne, NJ 07470
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Email Isabelle Murray Kayal about this group or call - (973) 435-6252