Virtual Grief Process Groups
This group would meet online once a week to discuss and process grief, loss, and seasonal effective disorder in the comfort of their home, office or whatever space of comfort with a community of individuals ready to gain back their life and freedom to be okay to not being okay due to a life changing situation. The object of the group is to educate individuals on how to properly process that balled up emotion effectively with skills that can be used daily in life. Come join the community!
Group Details
Y HE C8NT with Martica Sherman, MS, LPC-Associate
Houston, TX 77060
Session Cost
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Grief Process Groups
Grief can come through a vast majority of life situations to which many individuals don't know where to begin unpacking the events that just may have occurred. It's not always the loss of a loved one, friend, pet, etc. It may be an unexpected job change, job loss, loss of a friendship, relocating from another town, city, or state. The point of is not to endure the process alone. We want to focus on the "Who", "What", "When", "Where", "Why", and not forget the "How" about life as to moving forward. Come join our community.