Victims of Sexual Abuse Recover
Let's Connect (908) 387-7504
If you are finding your life and relationships limited because you've suffered abuse of a sexual nature Victims of Sexual Abuse Recover may be the group for you. Whether you suffered trauma as a child and are finding it is restricting your life now or whether you have been recently traumatized through a person's violations of your body (and soul) this group will focus on recovering from the oftentimes debilitating symptoms as well as moving beyond the abuse into your life now.
Group Details
1812 Front Street
Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
Session Cost
Group Meets
Every Sat 11 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
Trauma and PTSD
Email Amber M Johnson about this group or call - (908) 387-7504
Let's Connect (908) 387-7504
1812 Front Street
Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
Email me