Understanding Trauma
The Complex Trauma Institute is offering a recurring, 12-week, co-ed, in person Understanding Trauma Group in Fall 2023 that will explore different types of traumas, what it means to process experiences safely, how to engage in self-care, manage activation, among other related topics. This is not a process group, but group members are welcome to share their thoughts, questions, and experiences as beneficial to themselves and the group. Group meets in-person on Tuesday evenings from 6-7:30 in Melrose, MA. Cost is $1,000 flat rate due before the first session; insurance is not accepted.
Group Details
Complex Trauma Treatment Center Boston
630 Main St
Melrose, MA 02176
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Complex Trauma Processing Group
A theme-based, relationally-driven, trauma integration and processing, Component-Based Psychotherapy (CBP) group, conducted in 15 session-units. $1,200 self-pay per round. A limited number of new members invited to join each round based on existing members' continuation status. Co-led by two senior complex trauma therapists and scholars: Drs. Jana Pressley and Joseph Spinazzola. Intended for individuals currently or previously in trauma-focused individual therapy: this is not an introductory level stabilization/skills group. Closed round in progress. Contact us for limited screening to join next round (anticipate 1-2 open slots) beginning September 2023.