Tribe of Desire
Let's Connect (240) 348-5171
Consistently transform your deep aspirations and desires into your daily reality! This online community of deep heart connection and unwavering support will nourish you as you take the emotional and practical steps towards your heart's deepest wants. We encourage each other, give each other space to heal and strength to persist, share wisdom and laughs, hold the mirror to each other's spiritual and emotional wholeness, and celebrate wins! The frequent feedback is that this online space feels more nurturing, enjoyable and connecting than any other coaching or therapy group the participants had experienced.
Group Details
Session Cost
Group Meets
Second Tue 12 P.M. - 1:15 P.M.
Peer Relationships,
Email Elena Khazanova about this group or call - (240) 348-5171
Let's Connect (240) 348-5171