Touched by Adoption & Reproductive Medicine
Are you touched by adoption or foster care? Are you hoping to expand your family? Have you created your family through third-party reproduction? Do you wonder how to tell your child sensitive pieces of her story? Want to share in your experience with others who will get it? Come join this on-going support group for individuals touched by adoption, reproductive medicine, foster care, and complex blended families. Donation.
Group Details
Center for Integrative Health and Healing
13001 Seal Beach Blvd
Suite 360
Seal Beach, CA 90740
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
Center for Integrative Health and Healing
13001 Seal Beach Blvd
Suite 360
Seal Beach, CA 90740
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Teens Touched by Adoption - Support Group
ConnecTeen provides a compassionate space for teens touched by third party reproduction, adoption, and foster care to make new connections to swap feelings, thoughts, and stories related to adoption in an understanding, safe, and supportive environment with other teens. In the company of their peers, they will expand their understanding of themselves as they swap stories about their experiences and challenges with others around relationships, the complexity of family, sense of self, and identity. There is a $10 suggested donation. Space is limited. Family evaluation required prior to participation. RSVP to attend.