Therapy Groups for Therapists
Groups for licensed and pre-licensed therapists include this group and a consultation group. These groups provide a safe place to take off your therapist's hat, look at your own issues, countertransference issues and get support for the challenges of being in practice in today's demanding world. For details about my group work, approach and screening process is available online in the Resource section of my website, under "About Dr. Steiner's Therapy Groups" at
Group Details
Ann Steiner, Ph.D., MFT, CGP, FAGPA
Provided With Appt
Lafayette, CA 94549
Session Cost
Group Meets
My Other Groups
Supportive Process Group for the Over 60
This warm, supportive, process-oriented group of active men and women, ranges in age from 50 - 70. Members are psychologically aware and actively engaged in exploring and changing patterns of co-dependency, as well as trust, intimacy and relationship issues. For details about my group work, approach and screening process is available online in the Resource section of my website, under "About Dr. Steiner's Therapy Groups" at