The Seven Principles of Making Marriage Workshop

This is a couples workshop created by John Gottman, Ph.D founded of the Gottman Institute. This workshop is intended to be used as psychoeducation rather than therapy and aims to teach couples how to best navigate communication and conflict within the marriage. In order to sign up for this group both you and your partner need to attend all sessions and sign up. * This group can not be billed to insurance as it is a workshop not counseling
Group Details
Irvington, NY 10533
Session Cost

My Other Groups
A New Dawning - Recovery from addiction Group

Whether you are the greenest of green or quite seasoned we have the addiction group for you! Come hear speakers, share your story, and learn more in depth about your triggers for use and various coping skills that can be helpful. We are waiting for you and remember every day is a chance to start again!
Session Cost
Anxiety Support Group

We have been facing some tough times… stress related to COVID-19 as well as loss of finance and other stressors can be triggering and re-energize poor coping behaviors. This group is designed to be a safe space where you can share your fears in a neutral setting and learn tools to decrease and manage anxiety.