The Journey Within
Transform your mind, body, and spirit. Gain clarity and peace as you learn to discern God's voice and understand His will. Experience a sense of purpose and alignment in your daily actions as you follow God's directives, leading to a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Deepen your spiritual connection with God, fostering a profound sense of peace, joy, and fulfillment as you align your life with His purposes.
Group Details
Restoration Center, Inc.
Largo, MD 20774
Group Meets
My Other Groups
Coping with Change
Adult group for persons experiencing a life-altering change due to death, separation, divorce, loss of job and/or loss of a home. You will have the opportunity to both process the loss and receive strategies to recover from the pain and disappointment in a safe environment.
Session Cost
Relationship 101
This group is for singles and dating couples seeking to enrich their relationship with self and others. Topics such as conflict resolution, communication, forgiveness, finances and intimacy will be explored. Strategies to address these areas of concern will be provided. Participants will meet face-to-face and via an online platform. Couples must complete a pre-screen interview before enrolling in the group. Fees are per person or per couple.