The Fourth Way Circle of Being
This group modality is meant to take ‘healing’ and therapy to the next level, by becoming an ‘evolutionary tool’ meant to help one free oneself from layers of limiting conditioning (beliefs and feeling systems trapped in our body/mind). We will explore an inner journey from a ‘domesticated’ contracted existence to discovering one’s true identity and living an integrated and embodied life. This work is designed to go beyond ego psychology/psychotherapy or healing. It is meant to explore in depth both theoretically as well as experientially the issue of awakening from the dormant, unconscious and mechanical state of our being.
Group Details
Center for Transformational Psychotherapy
908 Taylorville Rd, Suite 205
Grass Valley, CA 95945
Session Cost
Group Meets
Center for Transformational Psychotherapy
908 Taylorville Rd, Suite 205
Grass Valley, CA 95945
Email me
My Other Groups
Circle of Being Somatic Shadow Work
This group (8-12 people) is meant to provide a safe and compassionate group container to help its participants look inside and explore any 'shadows' ~ limiting beliefs and undermining strategies that keep us stuck in our life, repeating unsuccessful, misery-creating patters both in personal life, relationships and interactions with the world and career. Through a wide variety of practical and experiential methods, these blocks will be gradually explored and dissolved through bringing more awareness to our patterns, developing ability to be deeply aware of our inner workings and processing unresolved early issues 'clouding' our freedom, authenticity and fulfillment.