The Art of Grief: A Guided Journey for Widows

This program is for you if your person died. We will use expressive arts (writing, drawing, soulcollage(R)) to travel more compassionately and creatively with grief. SoulCollage(R) is an expressive arts modality using collage to image the many parts of yourself. Creative quiet time, time to make art (you do not have to be "an artist"), using art as spiritual practice, and connection with other widows will be the focus. Pre-registration required, No previous art experience necessary. Art supply box mailed to you! Email Dr Linda at to register. Next Course will begin in Spring, 2022, via zoom.
Group Details
Rochester, NY 14604
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy

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Vision Collage Workshop

You will make a collage listening to the Wise part-of-yourself, journal, receive (guided) feedback, and make a poem to light your way through 2022. You can vision your ideal life, and what you would like to live your way into. It may be specific (ex: a new job, health, romantic partner, freedom from disordered eating/addictive behaviors, a meditation practice), how you would like to feel (safe, loved), or larger intentions for the world. Online, via zoom This workshop is offered periodically. For the next date/time, contact: (415) 335-2596 or check