Teen Life: Who Am I

Join us for an in-person 6-week support group! Ages 13-18 years old. Judgement-free space! Exploration of teen self-identity through weekly paintings using the El Duende Art Therapy Process. Teens will learn to: Build self-acceptance, self-awareness, and self-identity. Engage and empower one another and themselves through positive self-talk Explore Past, Present, Social, and Future self Learn about factors influencing identity development
Group Details
Neurofeedback and Counseling Center of Pennsylvani
3109 North Front Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Session Cost
Types of Therapy

Neurofeedback and Counseling Center of Pennsylvani
3109 North Front Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Email me
My Other Groups
Grief and Loss

Grief is a primary emotion necessary for human survival, but if a person doesn't appropriately navigate their emotions, it could cause impairments in their life. Objectives: Defining, understanding, and normalizing… the grief process the roles of mourning and grief managing emotions coping skills. Activities: Creating “Grief Boxes.” Creating “Comfort Boxes.”
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Managing Anxiety: Increasing Emotional Awareness

This 6-week group is for adults 18 and older who want to understand, use, and manage their emotions in positive ways. you will gain insight on how to manage and decrease your anxiety as clinicians guide you through challenges, practice coping skills and introduce resources. Emotional awareness is an essential key to building stronger relationships, succeeding at school/ work, and achieving your career and personal goals.