Teen Girls Process Group (Virtual Thurs 6pm-7pm)
This group is an open & safe space for high school girls to support each other and process through many of today's "hot topics" such as anxiety, depression, school stress, friendships, body image, self esteem, healthy communication, social media, etc. This group allows girls to connect through mutual struggles, offer support to one another, as well as learn clinical tools to help them survive & thrive–not only the challenges of today, but for their adult life ahead! Group is limited to 10 members max, and members are welcome to come and go as needed. Contact me to register!
Group Details
Northbrook, IL 60062
Session Cost
Group Meets
My Other Groups
Women's Trauma Support Group
*VIRTUAL* We all have our wounds. Survivors of trauma may experience feelings of guilt, fear, or shame in relation to these wounds. This group aims to foster an environment where women can provide mutual support, embark on a healing journey, share their stories, embrace resilience, and make peace with the past. It offers survivors a safe environment to be heard and understood, equips them with clinical skills to promote healing, and provides the support of fellow women who have shared similar experiences.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Positive Discipline Skills Group
*VIRTUAL* Ever find yourself feeling stuck, helpless, or wondering "why does my child act this way?" Jennifer Allen is a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator with the skills and tools to empower and support you in your parenting! What is positive discipline? It's a parenting model aimed at developing mutually respectful relationships. Positive Discipline teaches adults to use kindness and firmness at the same time, and is neither punitive nor permissive. This means NO yelling, spanking, or punishment. Reach out to learn more!