Teen Girl Group Therapy
There has been a sharp increase in teen depression and anxiety the past two years. Nature is proven to help teenagers reduce psychological symptoms, increase focus, and find hope and peace. Group therapy helps teenagers find peer support as they process their mental and relational health concerns. This therapy group takes place around a fire pit in nature. A licensed psychologist leads the group for 45 minutes using evidence-based group interventions including CBT and CPT, followed by a mindfulness exercise. The girls then select their nature nook to practice mindfulness and write or draw in their journals.
Group Details
Near Canyon Glen Park in Provo Canyon
Provo, UT 84604
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
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Nature-based Group Therapy
If you are looking for friends to help you work through some concerns, and you could use a break from your busy life, come join us around the fire pit in beautiful Provo Canyon. This group is for people 18 years and up. We meet in nature as a group to address mental health and relationship concerns. The group meets for 40 minutes for open processing, followed by the therapy leader teaching a mindfulness exercise. Group members then select a nature nook to practice the mindfulness exercise and write or draw in their journals. Group size: 5-12 people.